Friday 20 March 2020

Coronavirus (Covid-19) India – Updates By The Experts

Coronavirus Outbreak is spreading like a fire in the entire world.

The first case was reported in December 2019 in the Wuhan, China and the numbers kept on increasing from then. There have been 80,928 cases of COVID-19 and 34+ new cases. The death rate is 3,245 and 8 new death cases have been registered. Luckily, 70,420 people have recovered and 14,000+ cases are still active out of which 2,274 cases are serious or critical.

Tot Cases/
1M pop

WorldOMeter is updating the world with Corona Virus cases in every country. We have listed major counties which are experiencing the greater impact of the virus.  

Luckily, is coping with COVID-19 well as there are 173 cases out of which 15 victims have recovered and zero serious cases. However, 3 people have lost their lives in their fight with coronavirus but there are no new death cases.

State/UTIndian NationalForeign NationalDeath
Uttar Pradesh171

How keep yourself protected from COVID-19?

By maintaining Personal hygiene!
  • Avoid personal contact with people and wash your hands after touching anything or anyone.
  • If you are having a cold or cough, see your doctors   
  • Don’t cough or sneeze without covering your mouth or nose
  • A face mask can save you from the dust but not from the virus. Wear it only if you have a fever, cold, or cough.
  • See your doctor immediately if you have a dry cough or high fever
  • Being Corona Positive doesn’t mean you are going to Die. If your immunity is strong, have a healthy diet, and you are taking suggested medicines, there are 100% chances of recovering.
  • Hand sanitiser will not do anything to the virus. You have to wash your hands properly with soap and water. Using sanitiser after that is optional. Choose alcohol-based soap for complete protection.
  • Stop visiting places
  • Don’t consume any animal-based food items such as eggs, chicken, meat, etc.
  • Keep distance from animals, especially dogs and cats
  • Don’t travel overseas or in another state
  • Don’t spit in public
  • Don’t dine out. Eat at home.
  • Avoid online ordering and even if you do, spray some sanitiser on it and the item you have just ordered and wash your hands afterwards.
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth or even face without washing your hands.
NOTE: If anyone in your family, office, or neighbourhood has the symptoms of COVID-19, call on the helpline number: 011-23978046

One of the biggest things you can do to protect yourself from the pandemic is not to fall for the hoax or rumours.   
Only the UN and W.H.O. are providing the latest and authentic updates that we all should put in our considerations.
Or just visit for better understanding of COVID-19.

Who is more likely to get this virus?

Those with weak immunity are more likely to get Corona Virus. Kids and people above 50 or 60 and those who are already having certain diseases such as cancer, a heart condition, sugar, etc. are prone to the pandemic.
So stay safe and stay CORONAFREE!

Author Bio:

We are the leading best spine surgeon in India and have been handling spine patients for years. We provide the facility of various spine diseases treatment. If you too are facing chronic bone disease, reach us quickly! 

Wednesday 18 March 2020

How To Find Out When Is The Right Time To See You Best Spine Surgeon In India?

Have you been facing uneasiness or severe pain in your back? Has your back pain made it difficult for you to do daily chores? If yes, you are in the right place. This blog will help you to understand when is the right time to get in contact with the spine surgeon in India.

We will discuss – what your chances of having a back surgery are, and what are the major symptoms for which you should go for spine surgery? 

So read ahead!

Only 3 out of 10 Back Pains Require Surgery

You might have been facing severe back pain, but it doesn’t mean that you need to go through a surgery. Sometimes, stiff muscles or physical activities can contaminate your back muscles and bone. These can be treated with physical therapy, ice, heat, and NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory) medication. If your work is stressing your back, try exercising regularly. Exercises will help your muscles to loosen a bit and recover from inflammation quickly. Moreover, poor lifestyle can play a major reason for having back pain that is not tolerable at all.

Improve your lifestyle, sitting posture, and even the diet. Include citrus in your diet to recover muscles. If you are involved in physical or sports activities, go for massage or body spa once in a while. After doing all these, if your back still hurts, consult the best spine surgeon in India. Only the professional help will cure your pain and help you to find out if there is any chronic spine condition. So get your surgeon’s number on the top of your dial pad!       

Why do you need Spine Surgery in India?

Tons of reasons could be there that urge you to have back surgery as soon as possible. We have listed major spine conditions and roans for which you should reach your back surgeon immediately.
So take a look: 
  • A slipped disk paint that is not healing on its own
  • Bone spurs often caused by arthritis in your spine can put too much pressure on the spinal cord
  • Having degenerative backbone condition such as stenosis, which narrows the protective bony canal that further leading to other side effects like weakness
  • Numbness or weakness in your legs and arms
  • Facing issue in using your hands or walking
  • Uncontrollable bowel or bladder because of nerve problems in your back
  • High fever with back pain or serious spin infection can be a chronic condition
  • A dislocated or broken bone in your back
  • Spinal cord tumour

If you can relate to any of the above conditions, you should rush to your spine surgeon. All the above conditions are important to address before it’s too late. Even if you have mild signs of the listed conditions, do consult your surgeon for a complete examination. Sometimes there are fewer symptoms of backbone issue but the internal structure is extremely affected.

So don’t waste a minute to get in touch with the experienced, knowledgeable, certified, and professional surgeon for your Spine Surgery in India.

Friday 13 March 2020

An Ultimate Guide To The Benefits Of Getting Spine Surgery in India

It’s okay that you treat oneself by getting physical therapy and physiotherapist but never okay in case of risky issues. Body parts like joints and bones are soft, what if its look like tough as little injury can cause the problem to overall body health. And that’s the reason it essential to get Spine Surgery in India from professional and Best Spine Surgeon In India.

Physiotherapist and the local doctor usually advise having exercise and gymming when you got spinal problems. It’s good to do exercise but not in case of risky issues as there’s a chance you will get more problems.

Ultimately, it’s beneficial and helpful in getting spine surgery while the problem is not under control. Because if something went wrong, then there’s a chance you get more other problems, and that’s the reason to visit nearest spine surgeon and consult for your questions.

Benefits of getting Spine Surgery in India:

1. Recovery time is less

The first and foremost benefit you can consider is the fastest way of solving the problem. Professional spine surgeon knows which tactic should apply and can bring quick result. And that’s how you can treat oneself before rounding clock. You cannot expect the quick recovery from other solution as it requires equipment and technique to deal. Hence, the best way to recover oneself quickly.

2. Fair Price

The second benefit you can avail is fair price treatment. Most of the people have the illusion that hiring spine surgeon cost high, which is a myth. Because professional spine surgeon is experienced and qualified, who know how to get the surgery done in minimum cost? You can consider the safe and fast way to get solution for your problem along with fair prices.

3. Experienced and Best Spine Surgeon In India

Spine surgery was always done under the eye of spine surgeons who are experienced and professionals. Getting surgery from professional spine surgeon can help you to get quality solution and treatment. You know why spine surgeons are expert at providing quality treatment right? And that’s the reason can be your perfect choice to recover oneself from prolonged and risky problems.

4. Highly standard Equipment

This could be the best reason to choose spine surgery instead of other solutions. You know how every industry has changed as innovation has made it possible. That’s why some in modern healthcare equipment came and changed the way of treating people for their respective problems. Having a spine surgeon for getting spine surgery is beneficial in such case as you can treat oneself with modern equipment and way to bring healthy life again.

5. Safe Way of Treatment

Spine surgery performs under professional spine surgeon, which means ultimate and tremendous knowledge of implementing equipment. You can get peace of mind after getting spine surgery as you no longer have to suffer from pain or prolonged pain. And no wonder can keep oneself healthy all the time. Hence, the best and safe way of treatment.

Bottom Lines!!!

Are you still suffering from back pain? Then get Spine Surgery in India from professional and Best Spine Surgeon In India to get quick recovery and solution. Also, get advice to keep oneself healthy and fit all the time.

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Top Tips To Find Reliable And Experienced Spine Surgeon In India

Have you ever face the problem of Back Pain?

God! Very hurting, especially when you become elder isn’t it? And you often see people treating issue by applying magic formula and tricks which is not good. If you don’t know how to do it then can ask or consult Best Spine Surgeon In India otherwise there’s a chance you get more problems.

According to WHO (World Health Organization), every year 2,50,000 and 5,00,000 people suffer from spinal problems.

Such a big count and big issue if you take it seriously because you must have to find a solution before count increase more. And you can decrease the counts only in case of spine Professional and experienced surgeon.

Why Spine Surgeon only?

  • Provide Spine Surgery in India
  • Treatment of Back Pain
  • Solve Prolonged Problems
  • Treat the body to Increase Well-being\
  • Treat Ligaments
  • Provide Solution for Muscular Pain
Having pain in the spine can increase the chance of risky health problem and wonder is the young generation has become a hunt of it. This could be troublesome if you fail at getting action because without assisting the help of a surgeon, you cannot solve such arises.

The Pathways to Find Best Spine Surgeon In India:

# Step 1

The first enchanting way to find a spine surgeon is the experience in getting done the surgeries. Like how many surgeries have done the surgeon because that’s how you can know the actual background of a spine surgeon. You can ask them about knowledge like how they can treat you along with acknowledgement. So, check for the real and practical experience to choose them for your problems.

# Step 2

Study always matter but along with practical expertise as promises won’t work to solve your problem. And that’s the reason you have to check for the practical knowledge because problem like back pain is tough to solve. Back pain is the prolonged problem which can cause many other problems in body if it’s not addressed quickly. And that’s the reason make sure they deal smoothly with such pains.

# Step 3

The third and foremost thing you have to ensure is treatment. Means which procedure your surgeon will follow because it varies from surgeon to surgeon. Some surgeon goes for physical therapy and treats problem were some for surgery which includes equipment and machine. So, always ask about the way of treatment because that’s how you can choose the experienced and professional spine surgeon.

# Step 4

The next thing you have to check for is the success rate of spine treatment. You must have to ask spine surgeon about treatment success rate as it also helps to choose quickly. So, make sure about the solution from the spine surgeon as that is the only way with you can treat your prolonged problems.

# Step 5

You have to also check for the latest technology and treatment. Means you have to ask them about the knowledge of the latest treatment because that’s how you can recover oneself quickly. If the surgeon has the latest treatment knowledge, then you also get quality treatment.

Winding Up!!!

Are you suffering from any prolonged spinal problem? Then hire Best Spine Surgeon In India and get the treatment and recover yourself. So, choose according to the above tips and bring healthy life again.